
Missa Tu es Petrus

  • Mass
  • Composer: [Francisco de Santa Maria]
  • Source(s):
  • Editor(s):
  • Remarks:
    • P-Cug MM 70, a single partbook from a set of presumably five, includes the superius only. The Kyrie, consisting of four sections (Kyrie I, Christe I, Christe II, Kyrie II), is incomplete in P-Cug MM 3 due to the lack of fol. 1, that should have contained the superius and tenor of the first Kyrie and first Christe. However, the latter can be easily reconstructed using P-Cug MM 70, where it is marked "terno", that is, a trio for SAB.

      The model for this mass is a motet by Maistre Gosse first printed in the Secundus liber cum quator vocibus: Motteti del fiore (RISM 1532/11). An edition of Gosse's Tu es Petrus is available here.